All Home Health:
Personal Care Assistant Services
in Minnesota

Welcome to All Home Health, A Family Business Providing personal care assistant (PCA) services in Minnesota since 1988.
We are also now a provider of Community First Services and Supports (CFSS).
At All Home Health, we understand quality of life depends on the quality of personal care. We ensure you have the best possible care by either:
- Finding a qualified caregiver who fits the dynamics of your home and lifestyle, Or
- Hiring your chosen friend or family.
You deserve a full, independent life, and All Home Health’s attentive service and trained caregivers can make it possible by meeting your needs and advocating for your rights.
Let us help create tailored in-home healthcare services for your specific needs and give you the quality of life you deserve!
Personalized PCA Services for Every Need
At All Home Health, we offer comprehensive PCA services that can be tailored to your needs. These include:
- Personal care and daily living services
- Homemaking services
- Companion services
- Respite Services
- Personal support services
- A dedicated 24-hour on-call staff
- Advocating on your behalf with county, state, or federal agencies
- Keeping you informed of legislative matters that may affect you